Food and Wine

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To boil food briefly in water cooking it only partially. Parboiling is used for dense food like carrots and potatoes. After being parboiled these foods can be added at the last minute to quicker-cooking ingredients. Parboiling insures that all ingredients will finish cooking at the same time. Since foods will continue to cook once they have been removed from the boiling water they should be shocked in ice water briefly to preserve color and texture. Cooking can then be completed by sautéing or the parboiled vegetable can be added to simmering soups or stews.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 666
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To remove the thin outer layer of foods using a paring knife or a vegetable peeler.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 953
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To remove the rind or skin from a fruit or vegetable using a knife or vegetable peeler.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 562
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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A large long-tailed game bird native to Asia the male of which typically has very showy plumage.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 593
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To cook food by gently simmering in liquid at or just below the boiling point. The amount of the liquid and poaching temperature depends on the food being poached.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 529
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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The flesh of a pig used as food especially when uncured.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 536
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To cook meat slowly by moist heat in a covered pot. The meat is first browned then braised either on top of the stove or in the oven. Pot roasting is good for tougher cuts of meat which require longer cooking times to break down connective tissue.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 587
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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Pounding thinner cuts of meat tenderizes it by breaking down muscle. Kitchen mallets are generally used for pounding but it can be done using a small frying pan as well. First place the piece of meat between two pieces of plastic wrap or wax paper.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 674
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To grind or mash food until completely smooth. This can be done using a food processor or blender or by pressing the food through a sieve.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 519


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