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Glossaries - Food and Wine
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Egg Wash is a mixture of egg yolks and/or whites beaten with a little water or milk. Used to brush over breads cakes and pies to give them color and a shiny sealed glaze.
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Glossaries - Food and Wine
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A Christmas beverage consisting of milk and ice cream beaten eggs sugar cinnamon nutmeg and liquor (we like brandy and rum). The best eggnog requires seperating the eggs and beating the yolks with 1/2 the sugar and whipping the whites with 1/2 the sugar to make meringue folding all together with an electric mixer or blender!
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Glossaries - Food and Wine
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An Eggplant is a member of the nightshade family along with the potato and tomato making it a fruit! It is actually a berry growing on a long vine. There are many varities grown and eaten around the world. Sizes are 2 to 12 inches white black and purple.
Hits - 551
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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Eggs are one of the most important items in cooking! All eggs should be free of cracks leaks or holes. Eggs are graded by quality and size with grade AA A and B. Eggs are sized by weight per dozen Ex. Large 27 oz. Large 24 oz. Medium 21 oz. Small 18 oz. Peewee 15 oz. Very fresh high quality eggs stand up more when cooked while older eggs spread out more. The color of the yolk depends on the hen's diet. The egg color white or brown depends on the breed of the hen it has nothing to do with nutritional value or taste. Eggs must always be refrigerated. Pasteurized liquid eggs (easy eggs) are beaten together and heated up without cooking to kill any bacteria and then packaged for sale.
Hits - 600
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To bind together two liquid ingredients that normally do not combine smoothly such as water and fat. Slowly add one ingredient to the other while mixing rapidly. This action disperses tiny droplets of one liquid in the other. Mayonnaise and vinaigrettes are emulsions. Use a good whisk for a steady even emulsification.
Hits - 511
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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In America 'Entree' refers to the main course of the meal. In Europe it refers to the dish served before the meat course during formal dinners.
Hits - 550
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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A dark strong coffee that's made by forcing steam through a small amount of finely ground pressed special coffee beans. Served in a tiny espresso cup. The addition of heated cream or milk makes this a Cappuccino.
Hits - 612