Food and Wine

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  1. To slowly bring up the temperature of a cold or room temperature ingredient by adding small amounts of a hot or boiling liquid. Adding the hot liquid gradually prevents the cool ingredient such as eggs from cooking or setting. The tempered mixture can then be added back to hot liquid for further cooking. This process is used most in making pastry cream and the like.
  2. To bring chocolate to a state in which it has snap shine and no streaks. Commercially available chocolate is already tempered but this condition changes when it is melted. Tempering is often done when the chocolate will be used for candy making or decorations. Chocolate must be tempered because it contains cocoa butter a fat that forms crystals after chocolate is melted and cooled. Dull grey streaks form and are called bloom. The classic tempering method is to melt chocolate until it is totally without lumps (semisweet chocolate melts at a temperature of 104 degrees F.) One third of the chocolate is then poured onto a marble slab then spread and worked back and forth with a metal spatula until it becomes thick and reaches a temperature of about 80 degrees F. The thickened chocolate is then added back to the remaining 2/3 melted chocolate and stirred. The process is repeated until the entire mixture reaches 88-92 degrees for semisweet chocolate 84-88 degrees for milk or white chocolate. This whole process can also be done in a simple double boiler or a stainless steel mixing bowl over a pot of hot water. For more chocolate tips visit our chocolate section.
Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 618
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To make meat more tender by pounding with a mallet marinating for varying periods of time or storing at lower temperatures. Fat may also be placed into a piece of meat to make it more tender during cooking. Our meat tenderizers are amazing visit the Sportsmans section.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 645
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To make a barrel shape piece of food by using a tourney or birds beak knife usually a vegetable. Search this word 'Tourne' on the home page.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 717
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To secure food usually poultry or game with string pins or skewers so that it maintains a compact shape during cooking. Trussing allows for easier basting during cooking.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 595
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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A large mainly domesticated game bird native to North America having a bald head and (in the male) red wattles. It is prized as food especially on festive occasions such as Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 577


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