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Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To cook food in hot fat or oil deep enough so that it is completely covered. The temperature of the fat is extremely important and can make the difference between success and failure. When the fat is not hot enough the food absorbs fat and becomes greasy. When the fat is too hot the food burns on the exterior before it has cooked through. Fat at the correct temperature will produce food with a crisp dry exterior and moist interior. An average fat temperature for deep-frying is 375 degrees but the temperature varies according to the food being fried. Use a deep fryer an electric fry pan or a heavy pot and a good kitchen thermometer for deep frying.
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Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To remove browned bits of food from the bottom of a pan after sauteing usually meat. After the food and excess fat have been removed from the pan a small amount of liquid is heated with the cooking juices in the pan and stirred to remove browned bits of food from the bottom. The resulting mixture often becomes the base for a sauce.
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Glossaries - Food and Wine
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A rich brown sauce that starts with Espagnole sauce. Beef stock made from beef and or veal bones and vegetables with wine slowly cooked and reduced until it naturally coats a spoon.It is used as a base for many small sauces.
Hits - 565
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To remove the blackish-gray vein from the back of a shrimp. The vein can be removed with a special utensil called a deveiner or with the tip of a sharp knife. Small and medium shrimp need deveining for aesthetic purposes only. However because the veins in large shrimp contain grit they should always be removed.
Hits - 623
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To remove the blackish-gray vein from the back of a shrimp. The vein can be removed with a special utensil called a deveiner or with the tip of a sharp knife. Small and medium shrimp need deveining for aesthetic purposes only. However because the veins in large shrimp contain grit they should always be removed. |
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To cut food into tiny cubes (about 1/8- to 1/4-inch).
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Dove |
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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A stocky seed- or fruit-eating bird with a small head short legs and a cooing voice. Doves are generally smaller and more delicate than pigeons but many kinds have been given both names.
Hits - 552
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To pour off fat or liquid from food often using a colander.
Hits - 535
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To lightly coat food that is going to be fried with flour breadcrumbs or cornmeal. The coating helps to brown the food and provides a crunchy surface. Dredged foods need to be cooked immediately while breaded foods those dredged in flour dipped in egg then dredged again in breading can be prepared and held before cooking.
Hits - 1000
Duck |
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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A waterbird with a broad blunt bill short legs webbed feet and a waddling gait.
Hits - 565